Weight Loss & Detox

How Fiber helps you lose weight and detoxify in a healthier way?

Fiber is the part of plant-based foods that our bodies can't digest. It passes through our digestive tract without providing nutrition or calories, and yet it is very healthy for us. Fiber makes us feel full sooner and stays in our stomach longer than other substances we eat, slowing down our rate of digestion and keeping us feeling full longer. That is why it helps to keep us slim.

There are 2 types of fiber:

a) Water soluble fiber
  • Insoluble fiber may reduce your risk of colon cancer because it passes through the body quickly carrying cancer-causing substances through the digestive tract quicker.
  • It helps to prevent or relieve constipation because it exits the body quickly.

b) Insoluble fiber
  • soluble fiber can help to reduce your risk of stroke, control diabetes, prevent some cancers, and avoid gastrointestinal disorders.
  • can also help lower your blood cholesterol and lower your risk of cardiovascular (heart) disease. Soluble fiber absorbs fluids as it moves through your digestive track. During the process, the fiber dissolves, thickens, and forms a gel. This gel binds itself with acids made from cholesterol from the liver and then carries it out of your body through your waste. Your body is left to pull the cholesterol from your blood stream, reducing your blood cholesterol. The gel moves slowly through the digestive system.
  • It slows the release of sugar and slows sugar absorption, thereby moderating blood glucose levels.
  • The gel also creates softer and bigger stools, which means fewer hemorrhoids and fewer bouts with constipation.
Fiber Deficiency:
Weight gained
Unhealthy skin
Bad breath and body odor
Diabetes, increase of blood sugar levels
Heart disease, it is due to rise in cholesterol and blocking of the heart arteries.


Fibergy Plus not only promotes good digesting health and is important to the maintenance of heart health, but it aides in normal bowel regularity as well, which helps move wastes and toxins out of the colon quickly and efficiently. If the colon doesn’t function properly, wastes can back up and recycle through the body. The high fiber content in Fibergy Plus will also leave you feeling satisfied, making it easy to skip unhealthy snacks throughout the day. Diets high in soluble and insoluble fibre are important for digestive health. (392g per pack)

·Fibergy Plus is a flavorless fibre blend that you add to juice or Nutrimeal™ and is naturally a low-calorie option
·Contains 10-12 grams of dietary fibre per serving
· Promotes good digestive health
· Gluten free, dairy free, and soy free  
· Natural ingredients


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